Indicator 4: Living alone

Indicator 4: Proportion of older persons living alone by age, sex, and ethnicity.
Indicator is fully reported?


Type of indicator Demographic indicator Basic demographic indicator
Our findings

Using census data, Statistics New Zealand has published on its website data about the number of people aged 65+ who live alone, by age and sex. This data can be used to calculate the proportion of older people living alone.

Data on the number of people aged 65+ living alone, by ethnicity, is not published. However, this information is collected during the census and can be requested from Statistics New Zealand.

In 2001, 32% of all people aged 65+ – who were living in private dwellings and who were home on census night – lived alone. In 2006, this was 31%.

Of the women aged 65+, 43% lived alone in 2001 and 40% lived alone in 2006.

Of the men aged 65+, 20% lived alone in 2001 and in 2006.
How entities use the data The data is published for general use.
Entity responsible for this indicator Statistics New Zealand

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