Indicator 3: Population growth

Indicator 3: Rate of population growth of older persons by age, sex, and ethnicity.
Indicator is fully reported?


Type of indicator Demographic indicator Basic demographic indicator
Our findings

We used data from Infoshare on Statistics New Zealand’s website[1] to find the annual population growth rate for:

  • people aged 65+ and 85+ (Figure 1); and
  • males and females aged 65+ and 85+ (Figure 2).

From 2006, the annual rate of population growth for people:

  • aged 65+ was between 2% and 4%; and
  • aged 85+ was higher was between 4% and 6%.

The rate of growth was higher for men than for women. In part, this reflects the smaller male population at these older ages. It also reflects gains in recent decades in men’s life expectancy at older ages.

How entities use the data Population estimates by age and sex are published for general use and as a starting point for projections.
Entity responsible for this indicator Statistics New Zealand

Figure 1: Annual population growth rate for older people, year ended 2004-13

Figure 1: Annual growth rate for older people, year ended 2004-13.

Figure 2: Annual population growth rate for older males and females, year ended 2004-13

Figure 2: Annual growth rate for older males and females, year ended 2004-13.

[1], Population, Population estimates – DPE, Estimated Resident Population by Age and Sex (1991+) (Annual-Mar).

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