Browse by topic
We've got publications on all sorts of topics, like accountability, defence, local government, sensitive expenditure, water management...

Browse by region
See what we've said about the performance of public organisations in your city, town, or region...

Browse by year
We have HTML versions of our publications from 2025 back to 2004. You can also search by financial year.
Earlier reports are only in PDF format. If you need a publication from before 1998, you'll need to contact us.

Crisis response and recovery
We've got a list of content about crisis responses and recovery work. Many of these reports contain useful lessons for responding quickly to events...

Education and schools
Our published work covers all sorts of educational institutions - the Ministry of Education, schools, Te Pūkenga, polytechnics, universities, and wānanga...

This collection is all the environmental work we've done - there's a separate list specifically about water management below...

Reporting on performance
Public organisations are responsible for reporting on their performance in a way that tells New Zealanders what has been achieved with their rates and taxes...