18 June 2024: This article clarifies the Auditor-General’s expectations and the auditor’s approach to statements about greenhouse gas targets and emissions reduction progress reported by public organisations.
18 June 2024: This article clarifies the Auditor-General’s expectations and the auditor’s approach to statements about greenhouse gas targets and emissions reduction progress reported by public organisations.
21 May 2024: In 2019, we looked at how effectively Waikato Regional Council, Taranaki Regional Council, Horizons Regional Council, and Environment Southland were managing freshwater quality. We followed up with all four regional councils and spoke with iwi and hapū representatives to see what progress the regional councils had made in response to recommendations we made in 2019 about managing freshwater quality.
Auditor-General John Ryan reflects on the need for public organisations to maintain integrity in meeting new climate reporting requirements in a high public interest area and to avoid ‘greenwashing’.
14 June 2023: We asked the Ministry for the Environment, Statistics New Zealand, Waikato Regional Council, Taranaki Regional Council, Horizons Regional Council, and Environment Southland for an update on their response to recommendations we made in 2019 about managing freshwater quality.
8 March 2023: We provided a submission to the Environment Committee on the Natural and Built Environment Bill.
30 June 2022: We have replied to Hon Jacqui Dean MP about her concerns whether the $1.2 billion expenditure on the Jobs for Nature programme is providing value for money.
13 July 2021: We asked the Ministry for the Environment for an update on its response to recommendations we made in 2019 about the Crown’s investment in efforts to clean up New Zealand’s freshwater.
July 2020: The purpose of this document was to improve our understanding of government expenditure administered through appropriations related to preparing for, or responding to, risks associated with natural hazards.
September 2019: We examined how the Ministry for the Environment administered four Crown freshwater clean-up funds for improving lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. Our primary objective was to assess whether Crown funding was being used effectively to improve freshwater quality.
September 2019: We looked at the operational approach of the Waikato River Authority to restoring and protecting the Waikato and Waipā Rivers for additional insight into how different entities manage Crown funds.
September 2019: In 2011, we published a report on how effectively Waikato Regional Council, Taranaki Regional Council, Horizons Regional Council, and Environment Southland managed the effects of land use on freshwater quality in their regions. We found that the effectiveness of the four regional councils' approaches was variable. In this report, we assess the progress they have made since 2011.
Sector Manager Kristin Aitken from our Local Government team delves into some of the terms used by councils and experts in their efforts to address the effects of climate change. She also takes a look at what councils are already doing, and what they need to consider for their next long-term plans.
June 2019: This report looks at how two groups used two different processes that generated advice to Ministers for establishing marine protection, including marine reserves. Each group used a process that was different in terms of its origin, purpose, scope, and expected outcomes. We examined how inclusive, transparent, and well informed the processes were to identify lessons that could be applied to support the establishment of other marine protection measures.
December 2018: We looked at how Dunedin City Council, Porirua City Council, and Thames-Coromandel District Council manage their stormwater systems to protect people and their property from the effects of flooding.
December 2018: Protecting and conserving marine ecosystems while balancing competing interest groups in the Hauraki Gulf is challenging. We looked at a project aiming to create New Zealand's first marine spatial plan, which would create a healthy, productive, and sustainable future for the Gulf...
September 2018: We audited three district councils (Horowhenua District Council, Kāpiti Coast District Council, and Manawatu District Council) and one city council (Palmerston North City Council) to understand the challenges they face in supplying drinking water to their communities. We looked at what these four councils are doing to influence demand for drinking water and whether they are taking an integrated approach, using financial and non-financial methods.
October 2017: New Zealanders rely on water for our health, our economy, and our lifestyle. For Māori, water is an important spiritual and cultural resource that is regarded as a taonga...
March 2016: We assess the Department of Conservation’s progress in implementing our recommendations from our 2012 report, in which we looked at how well it was working with other agencies and groups to manage biodiversity.
February 2016: This report identifies some principles to consider when setting up and maintaining effective co-governance and co-management arrangements.
October 2015: Our follow-up audit this year reviewed what progress the Ministry for Primary Industries has made to address the recommendations in our 2013 report. We found that the Ministry has made good progress with how it prepares for, and responds to, biosecurity incursions.
10 September 2015
February 2013: We are concerned that the Ministry is under-prepared for future biosecurity incursions. Responding to incursions has taken precedence over preparing for the potential arrival of other pests and diseases. Although the Ministry is making improvements, there is still a lot to do...
December 2012: Findings of a performance audit that examined how well the Department of Conservation is prioritising work, and working in partnership with other agencies and groups to manage biodiversity.
September 2011: We carried out an audit to provide an independent view of how effectively four selected regional councils are managing and controlling land use and related activities for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing freshwater quality in their regions...
August 2011: This document informs public entities and their auditors about how the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) operates and how it is likely to affect them. It summarises information about the ETS that we have gathered from the Ministry for the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Ministry of Economic Development…
August 2011: A letter from the Auditor-General to the Chief Executives of Auckland Council and Watercare Services Limited on governance issues and a report on our initial findings and recommendations for Watercare to consider when developing its long-term plans for asset management and for funding arrangements...
Local government: Results of the 2009/10 audits.
Local government: Results of the 2008/09 audits.
February 2010: We carried out a performance audit of eight local authorities to help us form a view about how well prepared the country is to meet the likely future demand for drinking water...
December 2009: We have concluded that the councillors have breached section 6(1) of the Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968. However, we have decided that a prosecution would be unlikely to result in a conviction and that it would not be appropriate in these circumstances to seek to have the councillors prosecuted...