December 2017: We looked at three projects that were carried out between 2012 and 2016. Some people's experience of using court services has improved after the Ministry's investment in these projects. However, the Ministry has not effectively tracked or measured what improvements have been made...
December 2017: In 2007, the Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct criticised the historical conduct, including sexual conduct, of some police officers and their associates. The Commission recommended comprehensive changes to the way the New Zealand Police (the Police) worked. The Government asked the Auditor-General to monitor, for 10 years, the Police's progress on the Commission's recommendations. This is our fifth and final monitoring report.
September 2016: This follow-up article describes the Department's progress in responding to the recommendations we made in our December 2013 report.
February 2015: This report is the fourth we have produced on how the Police are responding to the findings of the Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct in 2007. It follows up on the Police's response to the five recommendations we made in our third monitoring report in October 2012. We have also taken the opportunity to look at changes in the Police's workplace culture. Overall, the Police have made good progress in addressing the five recommendations from our third report. However, there is still room for the Police to improve how they communicate with victims and how they collate and use feedback from victims...
October 2012: Our Office's third report about how well the New Zealand Police are responding to the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into Police conduct...
June 2010: Our Office’s second report about how well the New Zealand Police are responding to the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into Police conduct...
December 2009: We audited the effectiveness and efficiency of the Ministry's work to help District Courts and the High Court deal with their increasing workloads. Although we are pleased with what our audit found, the courts are likely to remain under considerable pressure for the foreseeable future...
June 2009: This report describes the direction, management, and monitoring of the work programme put in place by the Police to respond to the Commission’s findings...
July 2005: This audit examined the role of the Collections Unit in collecting and enforcing Court-imposed and infringement fines, the policies and procedures that govern the business of the Collections Unit, and its efficiency and effectiveness in collecting fines...
March 2004: This report looks at the client service provided to owners of Māori Land by the Māori Land Court Unit (within the Ministry of Justice) and the Māori Trustee Te Kaitiaki Māori (through the Māori Trust Office, which is part of Te Puni Kōkiri)...
October 2003: The core criminal justice sector is a good example of government agencies that must work together in the interests of effectively performing their role. We were encouraged by the efforts of the sector agencies to work together to a set of common goals. The agencies have also set up a number of arrangements for sharing knowledge and developing agreed strategies...
November 1987, ISBN 0 477 02803 9.