19 December 2024: We asked four organisations for an update on their response to recommendations we made in 2023 about Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches.
19 December 2024: We asked four organisations for an update on their response to recommendations we made in 2023 about Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches.
1 June 2023: We looked at three agencies and four initiatives (He Poutama Rangatahi; the Māori Agribusiness Extension Programme; Te Ahu o te Reo Māori; and Whānau Engagement) that aim to support improved outcomes for Māori.
14 February 2023: We wanted to know what progress Te Puni Kōkiri and other public organisations have made in supporting and implementing Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches more generally.
21 July 2022: We commissioned Haemata Limited to help us understand more about Māori perspectives on effective public accountability. Guided by kaupapa Māori research principles, Haemata had wide-ranging discussions with 35 Māori participants about their perspectives on accountability and trust in, and with, the public sector. The findings in Haemata's report highlight issues that we consider are of importance to all public organisations that seek to build and maintain trust and confidence with Māori.
E tuhituhi ana au ēnei kupu i roto i te wiki o te reo Māori. Kia kaha te reo! I te timata o te hui o te “Leaders Integrity Forum” mō Hepetema, ka tū, ka mihi i te reo Māori ngā tāngata katoa e huihui ana mō te korero o te rā. Tumeke.
Te reo Māori is one of our official languages – we’re doing our bit to safeguard this treasure.
October 2016: Every child in New Zealand deserves to thrive physically, academically, socially, and culturally. However, too many Māori children leave school without the education they deserve.
June 2016: This report focuses on the use of information across the education sector to support Māori educational success. Although Māori educational achievement is improving overall, results for Māori students from roughly similar communities, being educated in roughly similar settings and circumstances, are very different. Schools must collect, analyse, and use information about Māori students to ensure that they are doing everything they can to give Māori students the best chance at a great education.
February 2016: This report identifies some principles to consider when setting up and maintaining effective co-governance and co-management arrangements.
May 2015: In its first four years, Whānau Ora has delivered some positive outcomes. However, our report identifies some problems with how Whānau Ora was implemented, which contributed to confusion about Whānau Ora. We could not get a consistent explanation of the aims of the initiatives in Whānau Ora from the joint agencies or other people that we spoke to. So far, the situation has been unclear and confusing to many of the public entities and whānau...
February 2015: This is the second report in a five-year programme of work to find out how well the education system supports Māori students to achieve their full potential. In this report, we look at whether schools and whānau are forming effective relationships. We found that there is a risk that some schools do not focus enough on improving their relationships because they think that they have better relationships with whānau than whānau think they do. Our report provides an opportunity for people to think about their schools and their relationships, to understand the differences between schools, and to work to build and use relationships more effectively.
December 2014: This article describes the progress that has been made in responding to the Auditor-General's earlier recommendations...
May 2013: This is the second report in our five-year programme of audits examining the performance of the education system for Māori. We found reason for optimism that the Government’s strategy for education for Māori, Ka Hikitia, will increasingly enable Māori students to succeed. Ka Hikitia is a well-researched and well-consulted document that has the backing of Māori. However, there has been only modest improvement overall in Māori students’ academic results since Ka Hikitia was launched...
August 2012: This report describes the history of education policy and developments for Māori, sets out some leading research and statistics, and describes the role of the various government agencies involved in education.
September 2011: We examined the effectiveness of government support for Māori seeking to build housing on their land. We found that, despite good intentions, the process to build a house on Māori land is fraught. Lessons have not been learned from past attempts, so the initiatives are not effectively targeted and the processes are not streamlined...
Central government: Results of the 2009/10 audits (Volume 2).
Central government: Results of the 2008/09 audits.
Central government: Results of the 2007/08 audits.
Central government: Results of the 2006/07 audits.
November 2007: We conducted a performance audit to see whether the lead agencies responsible for implementing the Māori Language Strategy were carrying out their roles effectively. This is the Māori-language version...
November 2007: We conducted a performance audit to see whether the lead agencies responsible for implementing the Strategy were carrying out their roles effectively. This is the English-language version...
May 2007: This audit examined the effectiveness and efficiency of the systems and processes Te Puni Kōkiri uses to administer its grant programmes. Several areas could be improved...
Part 3.2 of a report on the results of the 1999-2000 central government audits.
Central government: Results of the 2004-05 audits.
March 2006: Public service departments need to be able to respond effectively to the Government’s social and economic goals for Māori. This is particularly the case with the Treasury, which not only provides fiscal and economic advice on its own account, but provides a second opinion to the Government on other public service departments’ initiatives affecting Māori...
December 2005: This audit and inquiry followed a request for assurance from the then Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education). There were concerns about possible conflicts of interest in transactions worth large sums of money. Other issues emerged as we began our inquiry...
September 2005: Although the sale of the Aerodrome took place more than a decade ago, the conduct of the sale provides a useful case study of a sale of a Crown-owned asset...
March 2004: This report looks at the client service provided to owners of Māori Land by the Māori Land Court Unit (within the Ministry of Justice) and the Māori Trustee Te Kaitiaki Māori (through the Māori Trust Office, which is part of Te Puni Kōkiri)...
January 2004: This report examines the capability of the Commission to address issues for Māori in carrying out its various roles and responsibilities. The Commission has positioned itself well to work alongside departments to build a Public Service that produces more effective outcomes for Māori...
Part 6 of a report on the results of the 2001-02 central government audits.