Commissioned report: Māori perspectives on public accountability

Public accountability is a cornerstone of our system of government and fundamental to the role of our Office. In previous papers on public accountability, we explored how the public accountability system is working in practice and discussed how it needs to change for the future of New Zealand. However, we also acknowledged that we knew relatively little about what public sector accountability means to Māori.

We commissioned Haemata Limited to help us understand more about Māori perspectives on effective public accountability. Guided by kaupapa Māori research principles, Haemata had wide-ranging discussions with 35 Māori participants about their perspectives on accountability and trust in, and with, the public sector.

The findings in the report highlight issues that we consider are of importance to all public organisations that seek to build and maintain trust and confidence with Māori. The findings also have implications for how our Office carries out its role. These insights are being used to inform the development of our Māori strategy so that our Office can have greater impact and influence on matters that are important to Māori.

We would like to acknowledge and thank Haemata Limited and all the participants whose views and experiences are represented in the report, as well as the work of Te Ohu Whāiti, who provided oversight throughout the project. Their contributions have led to a report that provides a platform for improving public accountability for Māori.