Haemata Limited (2022), Māori perspectives on public accountability.

Māori Perspectives on Public Accountability


We would like to request your permission to:

Engage with you on matters of public accountability.

Use your views to inform our response to the Office of the Auditor-General regarding the project ‘Māori perspectives of Public Accountability’.

By signing this consent form:

  • I agree to participate in this interview/wānanga on public accountability.
  • I know that I can refuse to answer any questions and I also know that I can ask any questions at any time.
  • I agree to Haemata using my views to inform their response to Office of the Auditor-General regarding the project ‘Māori perspectives of Public Accountability’.
  • I understand that the notes and audio (if relevant) captured during my interview will be accessible only to the Haemata research team and will be destroyed in the future.
  • I understand that my name will not be used in the report or any other publication without my permission.
  • I know that I can request a copy of the final research report – or a summary thereof.
  • I understand what is required of me as a participant in this study AND I agree to participate.

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NAME ___________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ________________________________________________________

IWI _____________________________________________________________

DATE ____________________________________________________________

If you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact Haemata via email at or by phone on 07 308 6322.