Annual report 2023/24

Auditor-General's overview
"I am pleased to present my annual report for 2023/24. This is my final annual report as Auditor-General ..."

Statement of responsibility
"I am responsible, as Controller and Auditor-General, for the preparation of the Office's financial statements, and statements of expenses and capital expenditure, and for the judgements expressed in them."

About this annual report
This 2023/24 annual report is the main accountability document for the Controller and Auditor-General. Our annual report is also available in PDF format ...
Our year

Our year in numbers
A summary of some of our activity this year, including the number of audits we completed, select committee briefings we provided, letters on audit findings we sent to Ministers, events we hosted, and reports we produced.

What went well in 2023/24
We returned the timeliness of large audits to pre-pandemic levels,we audited council long-term plans, we made significant progress on ensuring the sustainability of Audit New Zealand, we helped Parliament implement its improvements to scrutiny, we increased our impact in the Pacific ...

What did not go well in 2023/24
We did not complete all mandatory audits on time, some of our discretionary work has been delayed, some of our letters to Ministers on annual audits were delivered later than normal, our reporting still has some gaps ...

Overview of our performance
We consider performance at three levels: outcomes, impacts, and services. This overview is structured according to the three levels and the assessments are based on the results of the set of indicators in each category.

Our strategic direction
In 2023, we published The Auditor-General’s strategic intentions to 2028, which sets out what we want to achieve and the outcomes we are working towards.
Our work

Our core assurance functions
Annual audits play a crucial role in enhancing trust in how public organisations spend money and what they achieve with that money ...

The impact of our work
To maintain our reputation as a source of trusted information, it is important that our work influences improvements in the public sector. Our work in 2023/24 made a significant contribution to improving how public organisations perform, act, and make themselves accountable to others.

Our capability
For 2023/24, we were satisfied that we upheld our independence and complied with the Auditor-General's independence standards. To achieve this, we monitored and managed potential conflicts of interest for our staff, appointed auditors, and the audit service providers carrying out audits ...

Our performance
Our purpose is to improve trust and promote value in the public sector. We do this by influencing improvements in public sector performance and accountability ...

The appendices include independent reports, a report on the quality of annual audits, an update on our 2023/24 work programme, and our emissions inventory.