Overview of our performance

We consider performance at three levels: outcomes (which are long-term, complex, and subject to many influences), impacts (which are the desired effects of our work), and services (which are what we deliver directly). This overview is structured according to the three levels and the assessments are based on the results of the set of indicators in each category. See Part 5 to read more about each individual indicator.

The outcomes we seek 2023/24 Change from 2022/23
1. Parliament and New Zealanders have trust and confidence in the public sector Not achieved
2. A high-performing public sector Not assessed
3. An accountable public sector Not achieved
Our intended impacts 2023/24 Change from 2022/23
1. Parliament provides effective scrutiny of the public sector Achieved
2. New Zealanders are better informed about the performance and accountability of the public sector Achieved
3. The public sector improves its performance and accountability Partially achieved
Our services Measurement 2023/24 Change from 2022/23
1. Provide advice and support for effective parliamentary scrutiny Timeliness Not achieved
Quality Achieved
2. Monitor spending against parliamentary appropriations (our Controller function) Quantity Achieved
Timeliness Achieved
3. Audit information reported by public organisations about their performance Quantity Increased
Timeliness Not achieved
Quality Partially achieved
4. Carry out inquiries into matters of public interest Quantity Decreased
Timeliness Achieved
Quality Not assessed
5. Assess public sector performance and accountability Quantity Increased
Timeliness Partially achieved
Quality Achieved

Notes: For indicators that have targets, the assessments are: Achieved – all targets are met / Partially achieved – some targets are met, some are not met / Not achieved – no targets are met / Not assessed – the indicators are not required to be assessed or the relevant information is not available.

For quantity indicators that do not have targets, the actual quantities are compared with the previous year and the assessments are: Increased / Maintained / Decreased.

The change for each category is assessed by comparing the previous year's achievement against targets. For quantity indicators without targets, the change is change in quantity.