Publications produced during 2024

This is a list of the publications produced in 2024 (the most recent items are listed first).
Annual plan 2024/25

27 June 2024: Our annual plan outlines our programme of work for 2024/25, which includes performance audits, special studies, regular reports and updates, and good practice guidance. This work considers issues facing the public sector and how we can best use our role to influence positive change.

Value for money – a simply complex problem

21 June 2024: Value for money is an important measure of public sector performance that helps public organisations to strike the right balance between what is spent and what is achieved. In this article, the Auditor-General describes the public sector’s challenge with defining, assessing, and reporting on value for money.

Reading Cinema proposal

27 May 2024: We have replied to Councillor Ray Chung about his request that we investigate the proposed deal between Wellington City Council and Reading Cinemas.

Regional councils’ relationships with iwi and hapu for freshwater management – a follow-up report

In 2019, we looked at how effectively Waikato Regional Council, Taranaki Regional Council, Horizons Regional Council, and Environment Southland were managing freshwater quality. We followed up with all four regional councils and spoke with iwi and hapū representatives to see what progress the regional councils had made in response to recommendations we made in 2019 about managing freshwater quality.

The increasing use of multi-year appropriations

17 May 2024: The number of multi-year appropriations (MYAs) has increased significantly over the last eight years. MYAs give government departments flexibility in spending but risk lessening Parliamentary control and scrutiny over the Government’s spending plans.

Accounting for climate change

10 May 2024: We have produced a guide to considering the implications of climate costs, risks, and uncertainties in your financial reporting.

General Election 2023: Independent review of counting errors

7 May 2024: After discussion with the Electoral Commission, we decided to review the Electoral Commission’s quality assurance processes for counting votes. We found that there is room to strengthen the way that votes are counted and recorded, and how this process is checked.

Submission on the Fast-track Approvals Bill

22 April 2024: The Auditor-General has provided a submission on the Fast-track Approvals Bill, encouraging the Environment Committee to consider whether the transparency and accountability arrangements in the Bill are proportionate to the discretion being provided to Ministers.

Controller update: April 2024

9 April 2024: Almost all government spending for the first six months of 2023/24 was properly authorised and within the law. The single confirmed instance of unappropriated expenditure relates to a provision of $494.5 million for government assistance to local councils after the North Island weather events.

Monitoring importers of specified high-risk foods

20 February 2024: The Ministry for Primary Industries doesn’t know how effective the safety system is for importing high-risk food. The Ministry has not been consistently monitoring whether importers are establishing the safety and suitability of high-risk food before it arrives in the country.

Meeting the mental health needs of young New Zealanders

15 February 2024: Young people report the highest level of unmet need for mental health care of any age group in the population. We looked at how effectively government agencies work together to understand and meet the mental health needs of young people aged 12 to 24 years.