Tertiary education institutions: 2022 audit results and what we saw in 2023

Our letter to the Chairperson of the Education and Workforce Committee summarising the main findings from our 2022 audits of tertiary education institutions. It also provides information about the work being done to improve student success and about the financial sustainability challenges in the TEI sector.

25 June 2024

Katie Nimon
Education and Workforce Committee
Parliament Buildings

Tēnā koe Ms Nimon

Tertiary education institutions: 2022 audit results and what we saw in 2023

As the auditor of all tertiary education institutions (TEIs), the Auditor-General provides independent assurance to Parliament and the public that these institutions are appropriately reporting on their financial management and service performance.

Every year, we report to Parliament on the results of the audits that have been carried out as well as any sector topics that we consider the Education and Workforce Committee may wish to pursue when examining the accountability and performance of agencies in the TEI sector.

Accordingly, this letter includes a summary of the audit results for 2022 in Annex 1. As outlined in this annex, our audits were delayed for several reasons, related to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Annex 2 provides information about the work being done in the TEI sector to improve student success, which is a topic that the Committee has identified as important in its scrutiny plan. Annex 3 provides information about the financial sustainability challenges in the TEI sector. We are considering how we will follow up on all these matters, either through the upcoming annual audits or through our other work.

As is normal practice, this letter will be published on our website and copies will be sent to all TEIs, the Minister and Ministry of Education, and the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) in due course.

If you have any questions or need any further information on the matters raised in this letter, please contact Richard McGee in the first instance. You can contact Richard on 04 917 1500.

Nāku noa, nā

Andrew McConnell
Deputy Controller and Auditor-General