Improving Auckland Council’s emergency preparedness: A follow-up report

In June 2023, we published a report that looked at Auckland Council's preparedness for responding to an emergency. In our follow-up work we found that, since the 2023 floods, Auckland Council has made significant progress towards setting up a well-functioning emergency response system, in line with review recommendations. It now needs to focus on ensuring that its new systems and processes are thoroughly tested and practised, and that everybody involved in responding to an emergency is aware of and fully supported to carry out their role.

Summary of our follow-up report

No level of planning can ever guarantee that we are completely ready for the next major emergency. However, being adequately prepared can make a significant difference in helping to lessen the effects of emergencies and hasten the speed of recovery.

Auckland Council has made significant progress – 38 of the 51 review recommendations have been fully addressed. In our view, if the Council’s work programme is implemented as planned, all the review recommendations will be addressed. As a result, Auckland Council is better placed than it was in early 2023 to respond to the next major emergency. 

It is essential that Auckland Council prioritises work to understand gaps in community emergency preparedness by considering the needs of its diverse communities and targeting its resources towards those who might need more support.

What's in this follow-up?

Why we did this work

The purpose of this follow-up work was to see what progress Auckland Council has made in addressing the findings of the three reviews into its flood response and emergency preparedness.


Addressing all the recommendations

Auckland Council's work programme, including planned work for 2024 to 2029, covers the broad content and intent of the recommendations. If the programme is effectively implemented, we consider all 51 review recommendations will have been addressed.


What has Auckland Council achieved so far?

Auckland Council has made significant progress in implementing Prioritised Plan actions over the past year. However, there is more work to do to fully implement, embed, and test the changes made in response to the three reviews.