December 1998: Some local authorities are having trouble interpreting and applying the legal requirements concerning consultation, and there may be different expectations and understandings of what consultation requires. (Consultation under the Resource Management Act 1991 and consultation with iwi are not covered because they have been comprehensively addressed by other agencies.)...
July 1998: This paper was delivered to the 1998 Annual Conference of the Institute of Internal Auditors NZ Inc. on 28 July 1998.
July 1998: We set out to determine whether the New Zealand Fire Service Commission has adequate arrangements to ensure that all levy revenue is properly and fully paid to the Commission. Our overall finding is that it does not...
April 1998: Budgeting and Accounting Issues - New Zealand. Presentation to the International Federation of Accountants Public Sector Committee Executive Forum, Washington DC, Thursday April 30, 1998.
April 1998: Franchise agreements can be a viable option for the delivery of local authority services. However, there are inherent risks. Our audit has identified a number of these risks and we hope that other authorities will benefit from a greater awareness of the processes which need to be followed...
March 1998: Our objective in conducting this review was to establish whether and (if so) to what extent breaches of the Code might have occurred; and consider what remedial action might be required to avoid future non-compliance with the law...