December 2018: We looked at how Dunedin City Council, Porirua City Council, and Thames-Coromandel District Council manage their stormwater systems to protect people and their property from the effects of flooding.
December 2018: We looked at how Dunedin City Council, Porirua City Council, and Thames-Coromandel District Council manage their stormwater systems to protect people and their property from the effects of flooding.
December 2018: Protecting and conserving marine ecosystems while balancing competing interest groups in the Hauraki Gulf is challenging. We looked at a project aiming to create New Zealand's first marine spatial plan, which would create a healthy, productive, and sustainable future for the Gulf...
December 2018: This report sets out the results of our audit of the Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand for the year ended 30 June 2018 (the Government's financial statements) and of carrying out the Controller function.
December 2018: This detailed information sets out the results of the school audits for 2017. We have provided this information, and a list of recommendations, to the Secretary for Education.
November 2018: We wrote to the Finance and Expenditure Committee, providing an update on our 2015 report about the timeliness of reporting by public organisations.
December 2018: Post-implementation reviews evaluate how well a project has been managed and whether the benefits of that project have been achieved. We reviewed the process Auckland Council used for carrying out the reviews of two of its projects...
November 2018: This report sets out our observations from our audits of the 27 public tertiary education institutions. They consist of eight universities, 16 institutes of technology and polytechnics, and three wānanga.
October 2018: Our annual report tells our stakeholders – Parliament, public entities, and New Zealanders – about our performance for the year 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.
September 2018: This report introduces our work on procurement. Drawing from our audit work and conversations with people involved in public sector procurement, we summarise what we see as the main issues and opportunities for improving procurement practice in the public sector. In our view, the public sector still has work to do to improve procurement practices. Despite considerable focus on it, and despite improvements that have been made, we continue to see instances of procurement practice that give us cause for concern.
September 2018: We audited three district councils (Horowhenua District Council, Kāpiti Coast District Council, and Manawatu District Council) and one city council (Palmerston North City Council) to understand the challenges they face in supplying drinking water to their communities. We looked at what these four councils are doing to influence demand for drinking water and whether they are taking an integrated approach, using financial and non-financial methods.