Effectiveness of Auckland Council's post-implementation review process

We wrote to Auckland Council, setting out the results of our review of Auckland Council's post-implementation review process.

30 November 2018

Stephen Town
Chief Executive
Auckland Council
135 Albert Street

Dear Stephen


I am pleased to attach our Office’s final report on the review of Auckland Council’s post-implementation review process. This is part of our ongoing work under the Local Government (Auckland) Council Act 2009.

As we outline in the report, we commend Auckland Council for carrying out these reviews as they are an important part of the performance management framework and help to support a culture of continuous improvement.

This report includes several recommendations to help further improve the post-implementation review process. We thank you for your feedback on the draft report and have amended the report to reflect Auckland Council’s comments.

Thank you for the assistance you and Auckland Council staff have given to my team undertaking this work.

Yours sincerely

Greg Schollum
Deputy Auditor-General