December 2001.
December 2001.
November 2001: In September 1999 New Zealand Defence Force personnel went into East Timor to restore peace and security as part of a multinational force (the largest deployment of New Zealand military personnel since the Korean conflict in the 1950s). We examined how the NZDF planned for and how it prepared to assemble and train forces capable of achieving the mission...
September 2001.
September 2001: Paper presented by Robert Buchanan, Assistant Auditor-General . The aim of this paper, therefore, is to explain what the Auditor-General does and show how the Act fits into the system of public sector accountability.
September 2001: This is a performance audit of the way in which the Police deal with dwelling burglaries, pursue their outcome targets, and make use of their resources...
August 2001: We have compiled this report from the markedly divergent views of the MoD, the NZDF and Army. Documentary evidence was often poor. Key decisions were often not recorded. Nevertheless, we feel that we have assembled a compelling picture that illustrates problems in the key areas of governance, relationships, accountabilities, and defence planning...
August 2001: This is report assesses the Ministry’s performance in managing the property portfolio. We focused on the management arrangements in place between the Ministry and school Boards of Trustees, and the systems and processes for managing (including funding) the provision and maintenance of school property...
August 2001: This report describes the findings of the first peer review of the New Zealand Audit Office, conducted between 26 February and 10 March 2001...
July 2001: This report contains our findings regarding a complaint made by the Concerned Citizens of the Coromandel Peninsula about certain actions of the Thames Coromandel District Council. Although the complaint raised over 50 issues, our report addresses only those issues that we considered to be most significant...
July 2001: The systems, policies, and procedures applying to salaries, allowances and other entitlements of MPs and Ministers have not always been guided by a clear set of principles or desired outcomes. We propose five principles to guide improvements to the current regime, and we present three possible options for change...
July 2001: Robert Buchanan and Kevin Simpkins introduce the Public Audit Act 2001 (PDF, 4 pages, 62kB). Originally published in the Chartered Accountants Journal and reproduced here by kind permission of the Editor of the Journal.
June 2001.
June 2001: We believe that other local authorities will find the discussion of the issues dealt with in this report helpful when faced with making similar decisions...
June 2001: This publication has been superseded. Please see our June 2008 good practice guide, Procurement guidance for public entities...
May 2001.
April 2001: New Zealand is party to almost 50 multilateral environmental agreements. All impose obligations that New Zealand has agreed to meet - and none are easy to implement. They are often complex and their scientific basis is not always agreed or well understood...
March 2001: This report examines the respective roles and responsibilities of the Higher Salaries Commission, the Parliamentary Service, and the Department of Internal Affairs in relation to accommodation entitlements; considers the specific cases of Marian Hobbs MP and Phillida Bunkle MP in relation to the Wellington accommodation allowance; and examines the circumstances in which a Ministerial residence was allocated to Ms Bunkle after her appointment as a Minister in 1999...
March 2001: This report has a broad scope and looks at the challenges, risks and lessons for local government in current and emerging governance issues. It also includes case studies on three governance structures established to address particular needs – Watercare Services Limited, Infrastructure Auckland and the Canterbury landfill joint venture project...
February 2001: The purpose of our review was to see what messages for good practice we could find from looking at one large-scale project. While much is known about the circumstances of the breach of the Opuha Dam, the lessons for public authorities that might be involved in such projects have not hitherto been explored...