December 2005: The findings in this report are a reminder that public entities need to manage contracting for services to ensure two outcomes. The first is that they are receiving value for money. The second is that the risks of actual or perceived impropriety, especially those associated with concurrent or former employment with the entity, are managed in a transparent way...
December 2005: An independent review identified concerns with the Safe Ship Management System and made a number of recommendations. This audit looked at the progress the MSA has made in implementing the recommendations...
December 2005: This audit and inquiry followed a request for assurance from the then Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education). There were concerns about possible conflicts of interest in transactions worth large sums of money. Other issues emerged as we began our inquiry...
November 2005: Speech made at the IIA New Zealand Conference.
November 2005: Presentation to the LexisNexis Public Sector In-house Counsel Forum.
November 2005: Paper prepared for the Office of the Community and Voluntary Sector's Good Practice in Action conference.
October 2005: The Auditor-General is the auditor of the Electricity Commission. This is the audit report for the Electricity Commission for the period 15 September '03 to 30 June '04.
October 2005: The findings of this inquiry highlight the need for schools to carefully consider the ethical dimensions of conflicts of interest...
September 2005, ISBN 0-478-18143-4.
September 2005: Although the sale of the Aerodrome took place more than a decade ago, the conduct of the sale provides a useful case study of a sale of a Crown-owned asset...
July 2005: This report describes events leading up to the decision to appoint contractors, and analyses the practices followed. It also sets out our expectations of public entities involved in sole source procurement in circumstances where contestable procurement is impracticable...
July 2005: This audit examined the role of the Collections Unit in collecting and enforcing Court-imposed and infringement fines, the policies and procedures that govern the business of the Collections Unit, and its efficiency and effectiveness in collecting fines...
July 2005, ISBN 0-478-18139-6.
June 2005: This audit looked at the Authority’s oversight of taxi organisations, passenger service licence holders, drivers, and course providers. Little progress has been made since our 1997 report. Inconsistent and inadequate monitoring and enforcing has led to widespread non-compliance...
June 2005: This is the third time that our Office has reviewed the surveillance function of the Civil Aviation Authority. Little action has been taken by the CAA to address the recommendations in our 1997 and 2000 audits...
June 2005: Publicity and advertising are important activities for governments and parliamentary parties, which can legitimately be paid for with public funds. But at the same time such activities are inherently sensitive, and open to the risk of abuse...
June 2005: This report is a discussion paper, written to highlight what we see as difficulties with the current Act, and to suggest some options for how the Act might be improved...
June 2005: This report examined how well the Ministry had implemented 7 recommendations we made in 1999. The Ministry has made progress in implementing most of those recommendations, but further improvements can be made. Accordingly, this report makes 4 additional recommendations...
May 2005: This report looks at how the Resource Management Act 1991 framework has been implemented by the Horizons Regional Council and the Otago Regional Council for the management of freshwater in their regions...
May 2005, ISSN 1175-8258.
May 2005: In October 2003, Pharmac changed the rules for dispensing medicines. It let doctors prescribe that a 90-day supply of certain medicines be dispensed all at once, rather than spread over 3 visits to the pharmacist. Pharmac projected that this could reduce district health boards’ spending on the dispensing fees paid to pharmacists by $132 million over 5 years. We decided to audit this because of the large savings projected, and the effects of the change on patients, doctors, and pharmacists...
April 2005: Presentation to the 4th Annual LexisNexis Local Government Legal Forum.
March 2005: This report assesses how quickly and effectively three Government agencies – the Police, the Ministry of Transport, and the Department of Labour – have implemented recommendations made in 1996 to reduce truck crashes. Although solid progress has been made, there has been a long delay in implementing 2 of those recommendations...
March 2005, ISBN 0-478-18130-2.
February 2005: In 2002, we reported on the administration of the Conservation Services Programme by the Department of Conservation. We went back to the Department of Conservation, and the Ministry of Fisheries, to see what progress had been made in implementing our recommendations...