December 2012: Public sector agencies told us that it can be hard to find out about the ideas and experiences of others - so we contacted agencies and asked for their success stories...
December 2012: Public sector agencies told us that it can be hard to find out about the ideas and experiences of others - so we contacted agencies and asked for their success stories...
December 2012: Findings of a performance audit that examined how well the Department of Conservation is prioritising work, and working in partnership with other agencies and groups to manage biodiversity.
December 2012: This report sets out our observations from interviews with more than 50 people who were involved in designing and implementing the Auckland local government reforms and are involved in the governance and management of the Auckland Council. It also draws on our own audit work with the Council.
December 2012: This report sets out matters arising from our audits of the 2012-22 long-term plans prepared by local authorities.
December 2012: This report provides an overview of the results of our audits of education providers in 2011.
October 2012: Our Office's third report about how well the New Zealand Police are responding to the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into Police conduct...
October 2012, ISSN 1179-8963 (print), ISSN 1179-8971 (online).
October 2012: This report provides an objective view of how the Canterbury earthquake recovery is being run. It describes how the recovery is being carried out, the roles of agencies, how the recovery is being funded, and what the main risks and challenges are - for the agencies involved and for Cantabrians.
September 2012: We carried out a performance audit to assess the progress that the Ministry of Health and district health boards have made since we published our December 2009 report, Effectiveness of arrangements to check the standard of services provided by rest homes.
August 2012: Our inquiry found no evidence that Ms Pullar's approach to one of ACC's Board members affected her claim to ACC. However, the Board had no formal policy to guide Board members on communication with individual claimants, a deficiency it is rectifying.
August 2012: This report describes the history of education policy and developments for Māori, sets out some leading research and statistics, and describes the role of the various government agencies involved in education.
August 2012: This report sets out our conclusions on our inquiry into the dispute between the Far North District Council and the Mayor of the Council, Mr Wayne Brown, about the rates and other charges owed by Mr Brown's company, Waahi Paraone Limited.
June 2012: To work out in a co-ordinated way where financial resources are directed, how they are controlled, and, ultimately, what value they create is fundamentally important. We have reviewed whether central government's financial management system allows us to understand and manage our financial resources within and throughout government and, if not, what needs to change.
June 2012: In this paper, we look at six public sector ICT-enabled projects that range in cost from a few hundred thousand dollars to tens of millions of dollars. We highlight some of the features of the projects' management that have led them to realise benefits successfully.
June 2012: ISSN 1178-8488 (print), ISSN 1179-7339 (online).
June 2012: In this paper, we discuss characteristics of annual reports that we consider are necessary for good accountability.
June 2012: This report sets out for Parliament and public entities the main results of our survey along with other insights from local and international sources about fraud awareness, prevention, and detection.
June 2012: This paper describes how public entities, and people in certain roles, influence the quality of teachers through initial teacher training, teacher registration, and monitoring teachers' performance.
June 2012: Cleanest public sector in the world: Keeping fraud at bay
May 2012: Cleanest public sector in the world: Keeping fraud at bay.
May 2012: We examined the work that NZQA does to ensure that the internally assessed portion of NCEA qualifications is consistently administered throughout the country and of a high quality. This report sets out the results of our performance audit...
May 2012: Summary of our fraud survey results for Airports, Port companies, Electricity lines businesses, Local government - other, and Council-controlled organisations.
May 2012, ISSN 1179-7347 (print), ISSN 1179-7355 (online)
May 2012: Cleanest public sector in the world: Keeping fraud at bay.
April 2012: Summary of our fraud survey results for Crown research institutes, Autonomous Crown entities, Crown agents or companies, Independent Crown entities, and Central government - other.
April 2012: Cleanest public sector in the world: Keeping fraud at bay.
April 2012: This progress report looks at how well some public entities have acted on the recommendations that we made in six performance audit reports published in 2009 and 2010.
April 2012: Cleanest public sector in the world: Keeping fraud at bay.
April 2012: Cleanest public sector in the world: Keeping fraud at bay.
April 2012: The Office of the Auditor-General received correspondence in late 2011, raising concerns about Mr Tony Marryatt’s roles as a director of Civic Assurance and as chief executive of Christchurch City Council. Our report and letter in response are reproduced here.
April 2012, ISBN 978-0-478-38347-8 (print), ISBN 978-0-478-38348-5 (online)
March 2012: Cleanest public sector in the world: Keeping fraud at bay.
March 2012: This document gives an overview of the role of the Auditor-General and outlines the kind of advice and support that the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee can expect from us. It also provides a description of the transport sector and its strategic significance, and describes our work in general and, specifically, in the transport sector.
March 2012: ISBN 978-0-478-38342-3 (print), ISBN 978-0-478-38343-0 (online).
March 2012: ISBN 978-0-478-38340-9 (print), ISBN 978-0-478-38341-6 (online).
February 2012: We carried out a performance audit that found that the Blood Service effectively supplies safe blood and blood products to patients in our health system...