21 July 2022: We commissioned Haemata Limited to help us understand more about Māori perspectives on effective public accountability. Guided by kaupapa Māori research principles, Haemata had wide-ranging discussions with 35 Māori participants about their perspectives on accountability and trust in, and with, the public sector. The findings in Haemata's report highlight issues that we consider are of importance to all public organisations that seek to build and maintain trust and confidence with Māori.
27 July 2022: This report sets out the main findings and observations from our audits of local authorities’ 2021-31 long-term plans (LTPs).
8 August 2022: Our submission to the Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Water Services Entities Bill.
18 August 2022: We asked the Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai and the Ministry for Primary Industries Manatū Ahu Matua for an update on their response to recommendations we made in 2019 about marine protection planning processes.
29 August 2022: We have written to Inland Revenue and Nicola Willis, MP about cost of living payments made by the government.
13 October 2022: An Audit and Risk Committee provides a council’s governing body – the set of all elected councillors – and the community with confidence that a council is managing its risks. Here we provide suggestions for how best to set up and run such a committee.
18 October 2022: This 2021/22 annual report describes the work we have carried out to demonstrate how we will achieve our ultimate outcome – that Parliament and the public have trust and confidence in New Zealand's public sector.
27 October 2022: Earlier this year, Auditor-General John Ryan reached the mid-point of his seven-year term. He commissioned a review to reflect on where we are as an Office, identify the challenges the Office faces, and confirm the key priorities for the rest of his term.
31 October 2022: We have written to the Chief Executive of Wellington City Council about the process the Council followed to procure structural engineering services for Project Te Matapihi – the repair of Wellington’s Central Library.
17 November 2022: We have written a submission to the Productivity Commission on the interim report "A fair chance for all – Breaking the cycle of persistent disadvantage".
17 November 2022: The Auditor-General has written to the Speaker, as chairperson of the Officers of Parliament Committee, to summarise the Auditor-General's concerns about a lack of transparency and accountability over the spending of public money on new initiatives.
22 November 2022: A high-level overview of the 2021 school audits. We have provided this information, and a list of recommendations, to the Secretary for Education.
13 December 2022: This report sets out the operating environment for central government, the results of our audit of the Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand for the year ended 30 June 2022, our work carrying out the Controller function, and our observations about performance reporting across central government.
13 December 2022: This report presents the results of our annual audits and other work in local government during 2021.
13 December 2022: We took an independent look at what happened in 2020, to understand how resources and efforts were co-ordinated as the pandemic unfolded.
31 January 2023: We wrote to the Chief Executive of Horowhenua District Council after concerns were raised with us about the engagement by the Council of external consultants to provide services in relation to the Levin landfill.
9 February 2023: Understanding and managing risk in a government department is particularly challenging. This is where a well-functioning audit and risk committee can add significant value. We've published a guide for government departments on audit and risk committees, and how to ensure that these committees operate as effectively as possible.
14 February 2023: We wanted to know what progress Te Puni Kōkiri and other public organisations have made in supporting and implementing Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches more generally.
8 March 2023: We provided a submission to the Environment Committee on the Natural and Built Environment Bill.
15 March 2023: Almost all government spending for the first six months of 2022/23 was properly authorised and within the law. The single confirmed instance of unlawful spending was for Accommodation Supplement payments under Vote Social Development.
16 March 2023: The Auditor-General's strategic intentions to 2028 sets out the objectives we will focus on for the next five years.
27 March 2023: This detailed information sets out the results of the school audits for 2021. We have provided this information, and a list of recommendations, to the Secretary for Education.
28 March 2023: This report summarises the main findings from our 2021 audits of tertiary education institutions and the progress of the vocational education and training reforms, including what they are designed to achieve, and the leadership and governance of the reform process.
29 March 2023: In emergency response and recovery situations, funding and purchasing decisions often need to be made quickly, while still ensuring transparent and accountable decision-making, getting value for money, and acting lawfully.
30 March 2023: This is the first in what will be a series of monitoring reports to assess how well the New Zealand Defence Force is implementing Operation Respect. It establishes a baseline for measuring NZDF's progress.
30 March 2023: This is the first in a series looking at how well NZDF is progressing towards its aim of eliminating inappropriate and harmful behaviour and creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all NZDF personnel.
3 May 2023: A member of Parliament wrote to us with concerns about the way funding allocations were determined for the Transport Choices Package. This is our letter in response.
4 May 2023: A member of Parliament wrote to us with concerns about funding for the Port Nelson Slipway project. This is our letter in response.
22 May 2023: Dr Shane Reti MP wrote to us with concerns about the Ministry of Health’s Measles Catch-up vaccination campaign, including its cost, the number of vaccines that expired, and its failure to address Māori equity. This is our letter in response.
30 May 2023: We asked Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs for an update on its response to recommendations we made in 2018 about Infrastructure as a Service.
1 June 2023: We looked at three agencies and four initiatives (He Poutama Rangatahi; the Māori Agribusiness Extension Programme; Te Ahu o te Reo Māori; and Whānau Engagement) that aim to support improved outcomes for Māori.
12 June 2023: We wrote to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee after reviewing how Kānoa – Regional Economic Development and Investment Unit managed the repurposing of more than $600 million from the Provincial Growth Fund.
14 June 2023: We asked the Ministry for the Environment, Statistics New Zealand, Waikato Regional Council, Taranaki Regional Council, Horizons Regional Council, and Environment Southland for an update on their response to recommendations we made in 2019 about managing freshwater quality.
15 June 2023: On average, $155 million of government spending in six of the last seven years has lacked proper authority from Parliament. The number of instances has decreased and the value of unappropriated expenditure is a low percentage of the Government’s budget.
27 June 2023: We published a report in 2021 that described how effectively a joint venture involving 10 government agencies had been set up to support efforts to reduce family violence and sexual violence. In this report, we look at how the government agencies are working individually, together, and with tangata whenua, communities, and non-government organisations to understand and respond to the needs of people affected by family violence and sexual violence.
28 June 2023: The Auditor-General periodically reviews Auckland Council’s service performance and each of its council-controlled organisations. This time, we reviewed the Council’s disaster resilience and readiness work.
29 June 2023: We asked the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission, the Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Treasury, and the National Emergency Management Agency for an update on their responses to recommendations we made in 2021 about how they understand and manage the risks of service disruption from strategic suppliers.
29 June 2023: Our annual plan outlines our discretionary programme of work for 2023/24 – performance audits, special studies, regular reports and updates, and good practice guidance. This is work that we consider will help us to achieve our ultimate outcome – that Parliament and the public can have trust and confidence in New Zealand’s public sector.