June 2008: This guide outlines our view of the good practice that public entities should use to procure goods or services...
June 2008: This guide outlines our view of the good practice that public entities should use to procure goods or services...
June 2008: The aim of this guide is to help public entities make informed decisions and manage risks when funding an external party...
September 2007: Letter advising of the outcome of our inquiry into decisions made by the Queenstown Lakes District Council and the council-controlled organisation that it established to provide regulatory and resource management services for the district...
February 2006: This report draws on the experience of overseas jurisdictions, and provides examples of partnering arrangements that have been entered into in this country. The aim is to inform leaders and decision-makers about the key issues they need to consider across the public sector and for individual projects...
December 2005: The findings in this report are a reminder that public entities need to manage contracting for services to ensure two outcomes. The first is that they are receiving value for money. The second is that the risks of actual or perceived impropriety, especially those associated with concurrent or former employment with the entity, are managed in a transparent way...
December 2005: This audit and inquiry followed a request for assurance from the then Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education). There were concerns about possible conflicts of interest in transactions worth large sums of money. Other issues emerged as we began our inquiry...
July 2005: This report describes events leading up to the decision to appoint contractors, and analyses the practices followed. It also sets out our expectations of public entities involved in sole source procurement in circumstances where contestable procurement is impracticable...
December 2004: This is our second report about the acquisition of 105 Light Armoured Vehicles for the New Zealand Army. The findings are significant for capital purchasing in the wider public sector...
November 2004: The findings of this inquiry into how CPIT managed conflicts of interest regarding the Computing Offered On-Line programme emphasise the need for public entities to carefully consider the ethical dimensions of conflicts of interest...
July 2004: Paper prepared for the Conferenz 5th Annual Internal Audit Forum.
July 2004, paper prepared for the Conferenz 5th Annual Internal Audit Forum.
March 2002: Few of us know the complicated funding and purchasing arrangements that underpin primary health care consultations and how the arrangements have developed - particularly over the last 10 years. This report provides explanation and analysis of what the arrangements look like now...
August 2001: We have compiled this report from the markedly divergent views of the MoD, the NZDF and Army. Documentary evidence was often poor. Key decisions were often not recorded. Nevertheless, we feel that we have assembled a compelling picture that illustrates problems in the key areas of governance, relationships, accountabilities, and defence planning...
February 2001: The purpose of our review was to see what messages for good practice we could find from looking at one large-scale project. While much is known about the circumstances of the breach of the Opuha Dam, the lessons for public authorities that might be involved in such projects have not hitherto been explored...
November 1999: In July 1998 the Queenstown Lakes District Council became one of the first local authorities to contract out most of its regulatory functions to a private contractor. The first part of this report is a good practice guide. The second part looks at Queenstown's experience...
April 1998: Franchise agreements can be a viable option for the delivery of local authority services. However, there are inherent risks. Our audit has identified a number of these risks and we hope that other authorities will benefit from a greater awareness of the processes which need to be followed...
September 1993.