Note 8: Receivables

Accounting policy

Short-term receivables are recorded at their face value, less an allowance for expected losses and any provision for impairment.

A receivable is considered impaired when there is sufficient evidence that we will not be able to collect the amount due. The amount of the impairment is the difference between the carrying amount of the receivable and the present value of the amount expected to be collected.

No credit losses are anticipated because our debtors are primarily public organisations that can charge taxes and levies and/or receive funding from the Crown. We also note that we have not experienced any material losses over the previous two years. The allowance for credit losses at 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2023 was determined as 0%.

Breakdown of receivables and further information

The ageing profile of receivables at year-end is detailed below:

30 June 2024 Gross
of losses %
credit losses
credit losses
Not past due 18,777 0% - - 18,777
Past due 1-30 days 1,650 0% - - 1,650
Past due 31-60 days 209 0% - - 209
Past due 61-90 days 274 0% - - 274
Past due over 90 days 455 0% - - 455
Carrying amount 21,365 - - 21,365
30 June 2023 Gross
Estimates of
Expected credit
Impaired credit
Not past due 13,162 0% - - 13,162
Past due 1-30 days 1,435 0% - - 1,435
Past due 31-60 days 475 0% - - 475
Past due 61-90 days 128 0% - - 128
Past due over 90 days 321 0% - - 321
Carrying amount 15,521 - - 15,521

The receivables balance at 30 June 2024 also reflects a debtor from the Crown of $7.939 million (June 2023: 1.789 million) arising from the recognition of Crown revenue earned in 2023/24 but not reflected by the equivalent receipt (draw down) of cash as at 30 June 2024.

Movements in the provision for impairment and allowance for credit loss of receivables were as follows:

Balance at 1 July - -
Additional provisions made during the year - -
Receivables written off during the year - -
Balance at 30 June - -