May 2000: Paper by Ann Neale and Lyn Daken.
May 2000: Paper by Ann Neale and Lyn Daken.
August 2000.
September 2000: During 1998, Opotiki District Council asked us for assurance about the quality of its Long-term Financial Strategy (LTFS). The Council wanted to improve the reliability of its forecasting. Improving reliability is significantly dependent on the quality and robustness of the underlying assumptions used to develop models and scenarios in the LTFS...
October 2000: This report looks at the experience of "the early nine" local authorities in undertaking the first three-yearly review of their Long-term Financial Strategy and Funding Policy. Our intention in examining their experience was to share it, along with our suggestions and advice, with the majority of local authorities that are reviewing their Long-term Financial Strategy and Funding Policy now...
December 2000.
December 2000: This report sets out the results of our follow-up audit of the Civil Aviation Authority’s conduct of safety audits of participants in the civil aviation industry...
February 2001: The purpose of our review was to see what messages for good practice we could find from looking at one large-scale project. While much is known about the circumstances of the breach of the Opuha Dam, the lessons for public authorities that might be involved in such projects have not hitherto been explored...
March 2001: This report has a broad scope and looks at the challenges, risks and lessons for local government in current and emerging governance issues. It also includes case studies on three governance structures established to address particular needs – Watercare Services Limited, Infrastructure Auckland and the Canterbury landfill joint venture project...
March 2001: This report examines the respective roles and responsibilities of the Higher Salaries Commission, the Parliamentary Service, and the Department of Internal Affairs in relation to accommodation entitlements; considers the specific cases of Marian Hobbs MP and Phillida Bunkle MP in relation to the Wellington accommodation allowance; and examines the circumstances in which a Ministerial residence was allocated to Ms Bunkle after her appointment as a Minister in 1999...
April 2001: New Zealand is party to almost 50 multilateral environmental agreements. All impose obligations that New Zealand has agreed to meet - and none are easy to implement. They are often complex and their scientific basis is not always agreed or well understood...
May 2001.
June 2001: This publication has been superseded. Please see our June 2008 good practice guide, Procurement guidance for public entities...
June 2001: We believe that other local authorities will find the discussion of the issues dealt with in this report helpful when faced with making similar decisions...
June 2001.