Taking care of people’s well-being makes it easier for them to do the right thing – which reduces the risk of corruption. So what’s happening with well-being here in Aotearoa?
Technology has changed how we do our jobs, but it’s also created new challenges when it comes to ethical leadership.
The qualities that make for good ethical leadership apply universally, regardless of where you work, or the work you do.
One of the perks of hosting the Leaders Integrity Forum is the chance to hear directly from some senior people who’re working hard to improve the way the public sector does things …
Fraud Awareness Week isn’t quite as eye-catching as a spectacular handlebar mo’, but it’s also an important cause…
In this new blog series we’ll introduce you to the diverse people who work in our Office. First up: our new Controller and Auditor-General, John Ryan.
The Transparency International New Zealand Leaders Integrity Forum in early August provided an important reminder about the essential role that public officials play in providing free and frank advice to Ministers.
Te reo Māori is one of our official languages – we’re doing our bit to safeguard this treasure.
At the July meeting of the Leaders’ Integrity Forum, we had the good fortune to hear from Professor Karin Lasthuizen and our own Steve Walker.
It’s not just school reports on student achievement that schools have to complete each year.

The internet has changed how we find and access information. Believe it or not, there’s more than just cat pictures and memes out there.
Why stormwater management is the unsung hero of urban infrastructure.
The Leaders Integrity Forum in late May attracted a large audience and gave us plenty of food for thought.

Are councils getting the right information about their most critical assets to effectively manage them?
An update from the most recent Transparency International New Zealand Leaders Integrity Forum.
At the Office, we’ve been focused on a lot of planning.
Sometimes, the stories I hear at work are completely unexpected.

Our museums and galleries play an important role in collecting and preserving irreplaceable heritage assets. Unsurprisingly, auditors take great interest in how these assets are valued.