To be honest, when I applied for a job at the Office of the Auditor-General I had to do a bit of research. I hadn’t heard of it and I had no idea what it did. However, the more I found out, the more I wanted to work there.
When I was at primary school, I had a PostBank savings book. Once a week, I took the savings book to school, along with some money to deposit, and handed it in in the morning.

Developments in technology are changing how we carry out even the simplest of tasks. So how are public sector organisations responding to citizens' needs?

It’s Fraud Awareness Week. Now’s a good time for leaders to check whether they’re as prepared as they could and should be…

In this blog post, we give some examples of how local authorities are working together and with others to address water management challenges.

At my son’s football match, I watched from the side line along with other parents, who were becoming increasingly unhappy as their sons in opposing teams tested each other.
As we approach the anniversary of the 2010 Canterbury earthquake, we reflect on our work auditing the Canterbury earthquake recovery, and the lessons from Canterbury.

Sharing some insights from our 2015/16 annual audits...

Baking in integrity to make public services that are sure to rise

It’s not every day that a conversation about how we all can protect, and create advantage from, New Zealand’s global reputation leaves a group of people animated and full of pride – but it should be.

Or, how a mild-mannered accountant helped protect New Zealand’s economy

The third blog from the Local Government team.
The person standing guard has changed, but the job of watching stays the same…

“Putting people first in maintaining integrity” was a theme in Lyn Provost’s last speech as Auditor-General at the fifth Transparency International Leaders Integrity Forum last week.
Sometimes it feels as if Christchurch is separated by two time periods; before the earthquakes and after the earthquakes.