Annual report 2022/23

Overview of our performance

We have summarised whether our performance improved, declined, or was maintained for each group of our measures and targets. Although we completed most of the audits of large public organisations on time, the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on staff availability for public organisations and audit service providers affected the timely completion of audits.

Performance area 2022/23* 2021/22*
Outcome 1: Parliament and New Zealanders have trust and confidence in the public sector Maintained Maintained
Outcome 2: A high-performing public sector No data No data
Outcome 3: An accountable public sector Maintained Declined**
Performance area 2022/23* 2021/22*
Impact 1: Parliament provides effective scrutiny of the public sector Maintained Maintained
Impact 2: New Zealanders are better informed about the performance and accountability of the public sector Maintained Declined
Impact 3: The public sector improves its performance and accountability Maintained Improved
Performance area Measurement 2022/23* 2021/22*
Service 1: Provide advice and support for effective parliamentary scrutiny Timeliness Maintained Maintained
Quality Not assessed Maintained
Service 2: Monitor spending against parliamentary appropriations (our Controller function) Quantity Maintained Maintained
Timeliness Maintained Maintained
Service 3: Audit information reported by public organisations about their performance Quantity Improved Declined**
Timeliness Declined Declined**
Quality Declined Improved
Service 4: Carry out inquiries into matters of public interest Quantity Maintained Declined
Timeliness Maintained Improved
Quality Not assessed Not assessed
Service 5: Assess public sector performance and Quantity Declined Improved
Timeliness Declined Declined
Quality Maintained Improved

* These are judgements based on whether the results for most of the measures in this category improved, declined, or were maintained when compared to the previous year’s results.

** This result was affected by the auditing challenges faced during the Covid-19 pandemic.