Figure 17. The graphs show the reduction in payroll errors by value and number recorded from 2012 to 2020. Novopay was introduced in August 2012, which meant that 2013 was the first full year of using the system. Funding code errors are those where payroll payments have been incorrectly funded by either the board or the Ministry (through its teachers’ salary funding). These result in an amount either owed to, or owed by, the school.
Figure 17. The graphs show the reduction in payroll errors by value and number recorded from 2012 to 2020. Novopay was introduced in August 2012, which meant that 2013 was the first full year of using the system. Funding code errors are those where payroll payments have been incorrectly funded by either the board or the Ministry (through its teachers’ salary funding). These result in an amount either owed to, or owed by, the school.