Statement of financial position

as at 30 June 2015

Annual Report 2014/15.

This statement reports total assets and liabilities. The difference between the total assets and total liabilities is called equity. Explanations of significant variances against the Main Estimates are detailed in Note 21.

Main Estimates
Supplementary Estimates
Main Estimates
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 3,962 3,348 4,363 5,977 5,750
Receivables 8 8,793 6,470 6,000 6,750 5,750
Prepayments 446 449 334 449 449
Work in progress 1,562 1,687 1,200 1,200 2,000
Total current assets 14,763 11,954 11,897 14,376 13,949
Non-current assets
Plant and equipment 9 3,886 4,057 3,888 3,896 3,517
Intangible assets 10 620 565 652 806 1,031
Total non-current assets 4,506 4,622 4,540 4,702 4,548
Total assets 19,269 16,576 16,437 19,078 18,497
Current liabilities
Creditors and other payables 11 5,910 4,688 5,360 5,838 5,288
Repayment of surplus due to Crown 12 264 455 - - -
Employee entitlements 13 3,967 4,095 4,273 4,079 4,161
Total current liabilities 10,141 9,238 9,633 9,917 9,449
Non-current liabilities
Employee entitlements 13 536 549 583 560 571
Income in advance 26 34 - - -
Total non-current liabilities 562 583 583 560 571
Total liabilities 10,703 9,821 10,216 10,477 10,020
Net assets 8,566 6,755 6,221 8,601 8,477
Taxpayers' funds 14 6,221 6,221 6,221 6,221 6,221
Memorandum account 20 2,345 534 - 2,380 2,256
Total equity 8,566 6,755 6,221 8,601 8,477

* All Estimates information is unaudited.

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.