Strengthening collaborative efforts with media
- Strengthening collaborative efforts with media
- 2023-07-20T00:00:00+12:00
- 2023-07-20T23:59:59+12:00
- PASAI event: Effective national integrity systems support good governance, transparency, and accountability. The media plays a critical role in this system, revealing performance failures, fraud, corruption, and promoting public accountability.
- When Jul 20, 2023 (Pacific/Auckland / UTC1200)
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This was the second webinar in our 2023 series on building strong national integrity systems in the Pacific region.
The series provides a forum for Pacific Supreme Audit Institutions, Public Service Commissions, Ombudsmen, and other interested public sector agencies to share knowledge and expertise about building strong integrity systems.
Effective national integrity systems support good governance, transparency, and accountability. The media plays a critical role in this system, revealing performance failures, fraud, corruption, and promoting public accountability.
This webinar explored the value of strengthening collaborative efforts between Supreme Audit Institutions and the media. It draws on recent findings from the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institution (PASAI)’s fourth study of accountability and transparency issues and risks in the Pacific region, and provided a forum for those working in the Pacific public sector to share knowledge and expertise to build strong integrity systems in our region.
- Georgina Kekea, Pacific Anti-Corruption Journalist Network, Editor of the Tavuli Television News, and President of the Media Association of Solomon Islands;
- Lydia Lewis, winner Le Mana Award for Empowering Pacific Perspectives at the Voyager Media Awards 2023, and Pacific presenter, Radio New Zealand; and
- Satrunino Tewid, Public Auditor of Palau and current Chair of PASAI.