At a glance

Our insights into five health regulatory authorities.
This report focuses on five of the 18 responsible authorities that we audit.


Total number of registered health practitioners in 2022/23:

Registered practitioners have increased for all five responsible authorities since 2018/19, by:

See Appendix 5 for trends in registered workforce numbers over the past five years.

Percentage of new registrations granted to international applicants in 2022/23:

*In 2022/23, the Nursing Council received 9,675 applications from internationally qualified nurses, a 201% increase from 2021/22.

Many international medical graduates are registered in New Zealand, but not all stay. In its 2022/23 annual report, the Medical Council reported that:

The Medical Council is continuing to work with stakeholders to explore the issues relating to the retention of international medical graduates once they have gained registration in New Zealand.

Complaints and notifications

Totals received in 2022/23

See Appendix 5 for trend information about complaints over the past five years.

Proportion of complaints for each group of registered practitioners for 2022/23:

Performance reporting iconPerformance reporting

The five responsible authorities we looked at in this report fully met at least 20 of the 23 core standards in the most recent independent performance reviews (managed by the Ministry of Health).

Financial results

In 2022/23, the five responsible authorities reported the following surplus/deficit:

See Part 4 for financial results over the past five years.

Audit findings

For 2022/23, the Auditor-General issued an unmodified (“clean”) audit opinion for the five authorities included in this report.