Media kit Media kit Report cover of Matters arising from our audits of the 2021-31 long-term plans At a glance page 1 At a glance page 2 Figure 1: The types of audit reports issued on the 2021-31 long-term plans, compared with the 2012-22, 2015-25, and 2018-28 long-term plans Figure 2: The length of councils’ financial strategies in their 2021-31 long-term plans Figure 3: The composition of total revenue by revenue type for the 2015-25, 2018-28, and 2021-31 long-term plans Figure 4: Figure 4 The number of councils forecasting to increase their rates for 2021/22 to 2030/31 and the percentage increase forecast Figure 5: Figure 5 Range of councils’ borrowing limits Figure 6: Comparison of debt forecasts from the 2015-25, 2018-28, and 2021-31 long-term plans Figure 7: Peak debt forecasts by council subsector in the 2021-31 long-term plans, compared with the 2018-28 long-term plans Figure 8: Palmerston North City Council’s proposed debt compared to its debt affordability benchmark Figure 9: Reasons for emphasis of matter paragraphs about funding and financing assumptions Figure 10: The core assets presented in councils’ infrastructure strategies Figure 11:Other types of infrastructure assets that some councils included in their infrastructure strategies Figure 12: Forecast capital expenditure in the 2021-31 long-term plans, compared to 2018-28 long-term plans Figure 13: Proposed spending on capital by all councils in years 11 to 30 of their 2021-51 infrastructure strategies Figure 14: Proportion of 2021-31 forecast capital expenditure by subsector and type of capital expenditure Figure 15: Forecast renewal capital expenditure compared to forecast depreciation for all councils for the 2021-31, 2018-28, and 2015-25 long-term plans Figure 16: The proportion of forecast renewal expenditure to forecast depreciation by core asset activity, in the 2021-31 and 2018-28 long-term plans Figure 17: Key government announcements and how they affected long-term plans and our audit reports Figure 18: The locations of the proposed four water services entities Figure 19: Central Otago District Council’s long-term plan 2021-31 climate change assumption Figure 20: Central Otago District Council’s long-term plan 2015-25 climate change assumption Figure 21: The location of councils that have declared a climate emergency Spokesperson: Mark Maloney, Assisting Auditor-General Local Government