Key facts from the all-of-government response to Covid-19

Co-ordination of the all-of-government response to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

Five leaders


Staff seconded

Five leaders

Over 600


formed a new team called “the Quin” to oversee the response to Covid-19 between March and June 2020 people involved in the early all-of-government response to Covid-19 of Covid-19 Group* staff were seconded from other agencies as at December 2020

Two sites

North and South buildings
of the National Crisis Management Centre oversaw the all-of-government response and its delivery between March and June 2020

co-ordinated up to



Paper and pencil

1,222 recommendations

made through Covid-19-related reviews between March 2020 and June 2021


More than 3 million

online views of Epidemic Response Committee meetings between March and May 2020

* The Covid-19 Group was established 1 July 2020 in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to co-ordinate the all-of-government response to the Covid-19 pandemic.