Note 8: Receivables

Accounting policy

Short-term receivables are recorded at their face value, less any provision for impairment.

A receivable is considered impaired when there is sufficient evidence that the Office will not be able to collect the amount due. The amount of the impairment is the difference between the carrying amount of the receivable and the present value of the amounts expected to be collected.

Breakdown of receivables and further information

Receivables under exchange transactions
Debtors 6,999 8,784
Other receivables (27) 9
Total receivables under exchange transactions 6,972 8,793
Total receivables under non-exchange transactions 7 -
Total receivables 6,979 8,793

The carrying value of receivables approximates their fair value.

The ageing profile of receivables at year-end is detailed below:

Actual 2015/16Actual 2014/15
Impairment provision
Impairment provision
Not past due 5,457 - 5,457 6,994 - 6,994
Past due 1-30 days 863 - 863 946 - 946
Past due 31-60 days 3 - 3 437 - 437
Past due 61-90 days 482 - 482 155 - 155
Past due over 90 days 194 (27) 167 252 - 252
Carrying amount 6,999 (27) 6,972 8,784 - 8,784

The impairment provision has been calculated based on expected losses for the Office's pool of debtors. Expected losses have been determined based on an analysis of the Office's losses in previous years and review of specific debtors.

Movements in the provision for impairment of receivables are as follows:

Balance at 1 July - -
Additional provisions made during the year 27 -
Balance at 30 June 27 -