Annual report 2022/23

Our intended impacts

What went well What didn’t go to plan
Public organisations responded positively to the findings and recommendations we made in our performance audits and inquiry work.

Our work had a greater public profile. Media citations increased by 15% from 2021/22 and is the highest in five years since we started measuring this data.
The Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on audit timelines has had a flow-on effect on the ability of public organisations to implement our recommendations in a timely way.

Our impacts are the overall public sector improvements we contribute to. Our annual audit and inquiry reports and recommendations and our performance audits help public organisations to improve. Encouraging public organisations to implement our recommendations is an important way we can help improve public sector performance and accountability.


Our advice and reports to parliamentary select committees help them to hold the public sector to account. The information we provide must be relevant, reliable, and timely. We formally and informally assess feedback. 


We aim to focus our work on issues that are important to New Zealanders.


We look at a range of activities to assess whether we are having a positive influence on the performance and accountability of the public sector.