Questions to consider
As well as the eight elements of effective governance, it can be helpful to consider these questions...
- Has enough attention been paid to avoid the risks of governing and managing a programme in isolation from business as usual, particularly when important resources are shared between a programme and business as usual?
- Have the main points been identified where the programme environment and governance demands might change?
- Is there a schedule for reviewing the governance arrangements at those points?
- Is there enough and effective critical challenge in the governance arrangements, including enough independent participation?
- Have the main strategic risks to the programme been identified?
- Is there a degree of independence in identifying and managing the risks?
- Is there continuous planning, reviewing, reporting, and updating of the benefits being and to be realised over the full life of the programme?
- Have the points in the programme’s life been identified where information will be available to communicate with each main stakeholder?
- Has deliberate thought been given to making the most of the strengths of multiple organisational cultures, when a programme involves staff and external parties working together?
- Is governance information tailored enough to the needs of governors, and is it set out to help them understand it fully in the time they have available?