Published work in 2021/22
Major inquiries
Inquiry into the Strategic Tourism Assets Protection Programme
Other inquiry work
Decision to fund Kahukura Rehabilitation Programme from the Proceeds of Crime Fund
Koha from the Chief Human Rights Commissioner to the Waikato Mongrel Mob
The Ministry of Health’s procurement of a national immunisation system
Response to concerns about the Ministry of Health’s procurement for Covid-19 saliva testing services
Analysis of activity on the Prime Minister’s Facebook page
Queenstown Lakes District Council – Development of Lakeview land
Masterton Civic Facility Project
Response to letter about Rapid Antigen Tests
Letter to Hon Jacqui Dean MP about Jobs for Nature reporting

Performance audit work
Getting it right: Managing conflicts of interest involving council employees
The Government’s preparedness to implement the sustainable development goals
Implementation of recommendations – Management of the Wage Subsidy Scheme
Implementation of recommendations – Preparations for the nationwide roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccine
Governance of the City Rail Link project
Improving value through better Crown entity monitoring
Other published work
Results of our 2019/20 audits of port companies
District health boards: Main findings from the 2019/20 audits
Experiences of the family violence system in Aotearoa: An overview of research 2010 to early 2020
Controller update: What do you know about Supplementary Estimates?
Setting and administering fees and levies for cost recovery: Good practice guide
Controller update: September 2021
Building a stronger public accountability system for New Zealanders
Our observations on local government risk management practices
The problems, progress, and potential of performance reporting
Completeness of Budget estimates information
Submission on the Local Government (Pecuniary Interests Register) Amendment Bill
Results of the 2020 school audits
Consulting matters: Observations on the 2021-31 consultation documents
Observations from our central government audits: 2020/21
Tertiary education institutions: Main findings from our 2020 audits
Budget announcement on infrastructure spending
No financial interests in Hood Aerodrome decision
Commentary on He Tirohanga Mokopuna 2021
Controller update: July to December 2021
Submission on the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill
Submission on amendments to the Code of Ethics for Non-Assurance Services
Tertiary education institutions: What we saw in 2021
Response to a letter about spending on mental health and addiction services
Managing conflicts of interest in procurement
Good practice in reporting about performance
Enhancing public reporting on Covid-19 related funding and expenditure
Council communications during the 2022 pre-election period
Setting rates: Potential issues for councils to watch for
Corporate publications
Draft annual plan 2022/23
Published on our website – responses to our recommendations from audited organisations
Responses to our recommendations about monitoring water used for irrigation
Follow-up on audit of Benefits Management for the Business Transformation Programme
Response to our recommendations about maintaining state highways
Response to our recommendations about implementing the firearms buy-back and amnesty scheme