Some important terms
Education for Māori: Relationships between schools and whānau.
There are a lot of statistics in our report. To make it easier to report on them:
- agree(d) means that we have added together the responses from schools and whānau who answered a survey question with “agree” or “agree very strongly”;
- agree(d) to some extent means that we have added together the responses from schools and whānau who answered a survey question with “agree just a little”, “agree”, or “agree very strongly”;
- low-decile schools means decile 1-3 schools;
- middle-decile schools means decile 4-7 schools;
- high-decile schools means decile 8-10 schools;
- high proportion of Māori students means that Māori students make up 31% or more of the school roll;
- low proportion of Māori students means that Māori students make up 30% or less of the school roll; and
- whānau means parents, caregivers, and families of Māori students.