Annual report 2022/23

Service 2: Monitor spending against parliamentary appropriations (our Controller function)

What went well What didn’t go to plan
We issued all our Controller reports on time. There were no specific issues in this area.

This service is funded through the appropriations Statutory Auditor Function MCA, the Audit and Assurance Services RDA, and Audit and Assurance Services. The amount of these appropriations, which includes all mandatory audit work, in the Main Estimates for 2022/23 was $105.526 million.

The Government cannot spend, borrow, or impose a tax without Parliament’s approval. Our Controller function provides independent assurance to Parliament that public money has been spent lawfully and within parliamentary authority.

We monitor government expenditure against the authority provided by Parliament. We:

  • receive a report from the Treasury along with financial data on government expenditure to date;
  • examine the data and any expenditure issues arising;
  • determine whether any expenditure has occurred without appropriation or other authority; and
  • report our conclusions to the Treasury (through our monthly Controller reports).

Quantity measures

Indicator: We issue a report to Parliament on the Auditor-General’s exercise of the Controller function for each financial year*
Target: At least annually

Year Result
2022/23* Achieved
2021/22 We issued four public reports on the Controller function
2020/21 We issued five public reports on the Controller function
2019/20 We issued six public reports on the Controller function
2018/19 New measure for 2019/20

* To improve accuracy of reporting on our Controller activities, this performance measure has been split into two. This measure is focused on our reports to Parliament, and the measure below is focused on our reports to the public.

Indicator: We issue a report to the public on the Auditor-General’s exercise of the Controller function for each financial year
Target: At least annuall

Year Result
2022/23** We issued two public reports on the Controller function

** This is a new performance measure for 2022/23.

Timeliness measures

Indicator: The monthly Controller reports (for the months of September to May) are provided to the Treasury within five working days of receiving the Treasury’s monthly reports and statements
Target: 100%; all nine reports

Year Result Report quantity result
2022/23 100% All procedures were followed and agreed time frames were met for all nine reports
2021/22 100% All procedures were followed and agreed time frames were met for all nine reports
2020/21 100% All procedures were followed and agreed time frames were met for all nine reports
2019/20 100% All procedures were followed and agreed time frames were met for all nine reports
2018/19 100% All procedures were followed and agreed time frames were met