Our services
In 2022/23, performance results for the services we provided were mixed. Our operating environment continues to be affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, including shortages of suitably qualified staff available in public organisations to prepare information for audits and the ongoing global shortage of auditors. In 2023/24, we will continue to address these challenges.
Five services contribute to our outcomes and impacts. We:
- provide advice and support for effective parliamentary scrutiny;
- monitor spending against parliamentary appropriations (our Controller function);
- audit information reported by public organisations about their performance;
- carry out inquiries into matters of public interest; and
- assess public sector performance and accountability.
Our indicators for service delivery cover the main dimensions of performance: quantity, timeliness, and quality.

Service 1: Provide advice and support for effective parliamentary scrutiny
We supported select committees to carry out their scrutiny of public sector performance by improving our briefings with enhanced analysis of performance reporting.

Service 2: Monitor spending against parliamentary appropriations (our Controller function)
We issued all our Controller reports on time.

Service 3: Audit information reported by public organisations about their performance
The opening of borders has increased the number of senior auditors, which has resulted in more audits being completed in 2022/23 than 2021/22. The percentage of audit reports in arrears at 30 June has remained stable. Most of the arrears relate to school audits.

Service 4: Carry out inquiries into matters of public interest
We achieved our timeliness targets for our Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3 inquiry work.

Service 5: Assess public sector performance and accountability
We completed 11 performance audits and published 12 other pieces of work. Audited public organisations continue to rate our performance as at least “satisfactory”.