Service performance
These graphs show service performance. Most public organisations have specific service performance reporting requirements for each financial year. These are set out in annual accountability documents, such as a Statement of Performance Expectations or in the Estimates or Supplementary Estimates documents. Most public organisations are required to report on outputs. Performance indicators show how a public organisation is performing for a specific output and explain what the organisation intends to achieve.
From 2015/16 to 2021/22, the number of performance indicators that the DHBs reported on decreased between 2015/16 and 2020/21, and increased in 2021/22.
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora and the Māori Health Authority | Te Aka Whai Ora began operating on 1 July 2022.
Note: The graphs exclude performance indicators where the achievement status was not explicitly stated and could not be inferred (there was no actual or target value to infer from).
Page updated: 31 July 2024