Annual report 2022/23

Statement of changes in equity

for the year ended 30 June 2023

Equity is the Crown’s investment in the Office and is measured as the difference between total assets and total liabilities. Equity is disaggregated and classified as taxpayers’ funds and a memorandum account.

  Notes Actual
Main Estimates
Supplementary Estimates
Main Estimates
Taxpayers’ funds            
Balance at 1 July   8,221 6,421 6,421 8,221 10,125
Total comprehensive revenue and expense   (2,879) (1,813) (5,476) (8,526) (8,833)
Transfer of memorandum account net (surplus)/deficit for the year   5,272 4,928 5,476 8,526 8,833
Capital contribution   1,904 1,800 1,904 1,904 738
Surplus repayment due to the Crown   (2,393) (3,115) - - -
Balance at 30 June   10,125 8,221 8,325 10,125 10,863
Memorandum account            
Balance at 1 July (410) (2,282) 6,445 (410) (1,236)
Memorandum account net surplus/(deficit) for the year (5,272) (4,928) (5,476) (8,526) (8,833)
Capital contribution   7,700 6,800 5,700 7,700 7,000
Balance at 30 June 15 2,018 (410) 6,669 (1,236) (3,069)
Total equity            
Balance at 1 July   7,811 4,139 12,866 7,811 8,889
Balance at 30 June   12,143 7,811 14,994 8,889 7,794

*: All Estimates information is unaudited. The figures under Main Estimates 2022/23 reflect the forecasts published in Budget 2022 and in the Office’s 2021/22 annual report, and the figures under Supplementary Estimates 2022/23 reflect the updated forecasts published in Budget 2023.

Explanations of significant variances against the Main Estimates are detailed in Note 20.