Annual report 2021/22

Overview of our performance

Performance area 2021/22* 2020/21*
Outcome 1: Parliament and New Zealanders have trust and confidence in the public sector Maintained Maintained
Outcome 2: A high-performing public sector No data No data
Outcome 3: An accountable public sector Declined** Improved
Impact 1: Parliament provides effective scrutiny of the public sector Maintained Maintained
Impact 2: New Zealanders are better informed about the performance and accountability of the public sector Declined Improved
Impact 3: The public sector improves its performance and accountability Improved Declined
Service 1: Provide advice and support for effective parliamentary scrutiny Timeliness Maintained Maintained
Quality Maintained Maintained
Service 2: Monitor spending against parliamentary appropriations (our Controller function) Timeliness Maintained Maintained
Service 3: Audit information reported by public organisations about their performance Quantity Declined** Improved
Timeliness Declined** Maintained
Quality Improved Declined
Service 4: Carry out inquiries into matters of public interest Quantity Declined Improved
Timeliness Improved Improved
Quality Not assessed New measure
Service 5: Assess public sector performance and accountability Quantity Increased Maintained
Timeliness Declined Improved
Quality Improved Improved

* These are judgements based on whether the results for the majority of the measures in this category improved, declined, or were maintained when compared to the previous year’s results.

** This result has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the auditing challenges we have faced this year.