Annual report 2021/22

Our work

Audited information

Overview of our performance

We have summarised whether our performance improved, declined, or was maintained for each group of our measures and targets. Much of our work was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the international shortage of auditors, and other pressures on public organisations and auditors that affected the timeliness of audits.

Our performance framework

Everything we do is directed towards achieving the outcomes in our performance framework. The framework sets out the outcomes we contribute to, impacts we are aiming to achieve, and work we do (our services).

Each of our outcomes, impacts, and services have performance indicators (or measures) and annual targets. The performance indicators for our services are based on quantity, quality, timeliness, or a combination of these.

The data and commentaries in the following sections describe the results for each of our performance indicators for 2021/22.

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The outcomes we seek

The New Zealand public sector continues to be regarded as having one of the lowest levels of corruption in the world. Trust and confidence in government remain high. However, levels of trust and confidence are beginning to stabilise after a peak in 2020...

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Our intended impacts

Our impact indicators show the difference we are making for our key stakeholders – Parliament, public organisations, and New Zealanders. To influence our outcomes, our aim is to achieve the impacts shown in our performance framework...

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Our services

In 2021/22, performance results for the services we provided were mixed. We have exceeded or met some performance targets and not others...