Media kit Media kit Spokesperson: Jane Rogers Figure 1 - School audits outstanding as at 31 October, by region Figure 2 - Numbers of draft financial statements received for audit over the past few years Figure 3 - Outstanding audits, at 31 October 2020, by audit year Figure 4 - Schools with financial statements prepared on a disestablishment basis Figure 5 - Levels of school-owned cash and investments held by schools Figure 6 - Schools with working capital deficits at 31 December 2019, by decile Figure 7 - Schools that needed letters of support in 2019 to confirm they were a “going concern” Figure 8 - Payments to board-funded staff as a percentage of the school’s operations grant, by decile Figure 9 - Revenue and surplus from international students by decile Figure 10 - Total locally raised funds collected in 2019, by decile Figure 11 overpayments - Value of gross overpayments raised Figure 11 funding - Value of funding code errors Cover of Results of the 2019 school audits