27. Inappropriate or personal credit card expenditure is taken very seriously and results in disciplinary action.

Public Sector Fraud Awareness Survey - Findings: Fraud response.


Pie chart of Question 27: Inappropriate or personal credit card expenditure is taken very seriously and results in disciplinary action.

82.7% of respondents indicated that inappropriate credit card expenditure is taken seriously in their organisation.

This view was shared by senior managers and staff alike and across all

What some respondents have said:

“Comment re personal expenditure and disciplinary action: some action is always taken, appropriate to event. This may not be "disciplinary", but always includes recovery. Example: company credit card used in error or used in emergency and self reported does not result in disciplinary action; does result in immediate and full recovery.”

PwC comment:
Recent scrutiny of sensitive expenditure demands that public sector organisations remain vigilant to inappropriate spending of public monies.

“I believe some areas in my organisation takes such incidents seriously, others might be more inclined to 'sweep it under the carpet'. In my view there needs to be more spot checks done on credit card reconciliations and expense claims than is currently the case.”

  Yes No Don’t know Total Count
Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director/Principal 341 90% 17 4% 23 6% 381
Member of the senior executive/leadership team or equivalent 443 91% 7 1% 39 8% 489
Line manager (if not one of the above) 166 76% 6 3% 47 21% 219
Administration/Support Services 140 70% 12 6% 48 24% 200
Operational staff (e.g. Teacher, Analyst, Advisor, Technician, Officer, Engineer, Accountant) 89 65% 5 4% 42 31% 136
Total 1,179 83% 47 3% 199 14% 1,425
  Yes No Don’t know Total Count
Central Government              
Autonomous Crown Entities 51 94% 1 2% 2 4% 54
Central Government - Other 44 98% 1 2% 0 0% 45
Crown Agents or Companies  75 86% 2 2% 10 11% 87
Crown Research Institutes 32 86% 2 5% 3 8% 37
District Health Boards 53 76% 2 3% 15 21% 70
Government Departments 117 81% 4 3% 24 17% 145
Independent Crown Entities 32 86% 1 3% 4 11% 37
Māori Trust Boards 11 100% 0 0% 0 0% 11
Rural Education Activities Programmes 9 82% 0 0% 2 18% 11
State-Owned Enterprises 44 94% 1 2% 2 4% 47
Tertiary Education Institutions 80 88% 1 1% 10 11% 91
Sub-Total 548 86% 15 2% 72 11% 635
  Yes No Don’t know Total Count
Local Government              
Airports 17 89% 0 0% 2 11% 19
Council Controlled Organisations or Council Controlled Trading Organisations 68 91% 0 0% 7 9% 75
Energy Companies 19 68% 1 4% 8 29% 28
Fish and Game Councils 8 100% 0 0% 0 0% 8
Licensing and Community Trusts 7 78% 0 0% 2 22% 9
Local Authorities 132 78% 3 2% 34 20% 169
Local Government - Other  8 73% 0 0% 3 27% 11
Port Companies 2 100% 0 0% 0 0% 2
Sub-Total 261 81% 4 1% 56 17% 321
Schools 370 79% 28 6% 71 15% 469
Total 1,179 83% 47 3% 199 14% 1,425
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