Part 6: Management of the observer programme
Observer days: Availability of information and using the days levied
The Ministry of Fisheries’ observer programme provides important information for the Conservation Services Programme. DOC arranges with the Ministry of Fisheries for observers to be placed on fishing vessels for a specified number of days to collect certain information. The Ministry invoices DOC for the days on which observers are placed on fishing vessels.
In our 2002 report, we recommended that DOC make available to interested parties the information on observer days (the days for which the commercial fishing industry is levied, and the days actually used). We also recommended that DOC work with the Ministry of Fisheries and the fishing industry to ensure that all observer days levied actually take place.
What progress has been made in implementing our recommendations?
The Conservation Services Programme’s Annual Report 2003-04 provides information on the observer coverage for that year, including the days levied and the days actually used.
The Ministry of Fisheries’ Observer Services team was unable to provide all the observer days requested by the Conservation Services Programme and other clients. There were 20% fewer observer sea days than specified in the Annual Plan 2003-04. However, an interim stakeholder committee (including DOC) was established to manage the allocation of observer days. This committee agreed to an adjustment during the year, and this resulted in the reduction.
DOC told us that:
- its advisory officers liaised closely with snapper fishers to facilitate access by observers during the 2003-04 summer season; and
- it is preparing a report, summarising findings from the observer programme during the 2003-04 fishing year (October to September).
SeaFIC has stated to us that, while some problems remain, DOC is engaging more closely with the Ministry of Fisheries on the allocation of observer days, and they share costs if one observer can undertake both DOC’s and the Ministry’s tasks on one day.
The Ministry of Fisheries has undertaken an extensive review of the observer programme in order to improve its performance. One of the resulting projects is the Observer Co-operation Group. The aim of this group is to facilitate placing observers on fishing vessels and resolve operational issues that can prevent planned observer days from occurring.
Our conclusions
The Conservation Services Programme’s Annual Report 2003-04 provides information on the observer coverage for that year, including information on days levied and days used.
DOC is working more closely with the Ministry of Fisheries to ensure that the observer programme runs smoothly.
The Ministry of Fisheries has undertaken a recent review of the observer programme. One of the expected outcomes of this review is that agreed observer coverage will be achieved.