Appendix 3: Reports published in 2004-05

Annual report 2004-05.

Reports to Parliament

5 July 2004 Central Government: Results of the 2002-03 audits – B.29[04a]

13 October 2004 Inquiry into the Ministry of Education’s monitoring of scholarships administered by the Māori Education Trust

14 October 2004 Annual Report 2003-04 – B.28

30 November 2004 Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology’s management of conflicts of interest regarding the Computing On-Line (COOL) Programme

7 December 2004 New Zealand Trade and Enterprise: Administration of grant programmes

7 December 2004 New Zealand Trade and Enterprise: Administration of the Visiting Investor Programme

2 February 2005 Ministry of Defence and New Zealand Defence Force: Further report on the acquisition and introduction into service of Light Armoured Vehicles

9 February 2005 Department of Conservation: Administration of the Conservation Services Programme – Follow-up audit

22 February 2005 Assurance Audit of the Annual Performance Report of the Electricity Commission for the period ended 30 June 2004

15 March 2005 Progress in implementing key recommendations of the 1996 Transport Committee inquiry into truck crashes

30 March 2005 Central Government: Results of the 2003-04 audits – B.29[05b]

6 April 2005 Draft Annual Plan 2005-06

19 May 2005 Annual Plan 2005-06 – B.28AP(05)

19 May 2005 The Auditor-General’s auditing standards

31 May 2005 Horizons and Otago Regional Councils: Management of freshwater resources

31 May 2005 Pharmaceutical Management Agency: Changes to the frequency of medicine dispensing

7 June 2005 Ministry of Fisheries: Follow-up report on information requirements for the sustainable management of fisheries

21 June 2005 Civil Aviation Authority: Certification and surveillance functions

21 June 2005 Government and parliamentary publicity and advertising

23 June 2005 Effectiveness of controls over the taxi industry

30 June 2005 The Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968: Issues and options for reform

Other reports and publications

6 September 2004 Conflicts of Interest – A Guide to the Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968 and Non-pecuniary Conflicts of Interest

11 April 2005 Raising public sector auditing to the next level: Proceedings of the 19th Commonwealth Auditors-General Conference

Accessing our reports

Most of these reports and publications can be viewed on our website ( Copies may be ordered from:

Reports Group, Office of the Auditor-General, Private Box 3928, Wellington
Telephone: (04) 917 1534 Facsimile: (04) 917 1609

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