
Management of Biosecurity Risks: Case Studies.

This report contains seven case studies that highlight how departments have managed specific biosecurity risks. These case studies illustrate how departments have worked together, and how the policies and procedures of the Biosecurity Programme1 have been applied in relation to specific biosecurity risks.

We follow the same structure in each of the case studies:

  • the reasons for selecting the case study are explained;
  • our key findings and recommendations are summarised; and
  • a detailed discussion of issues relating to the particular case study is provided.
An explanation of key terms is given in paragraphs 1.27-1.38 of the main report, and a glossary of technical terms is provided as Appendix 1 to the main report.

Links to the case studies

1: "The Biosecurity Programme" is the expression used in this report to refer to the Government’s Biosecurity Programme. It is co-ordinated by MAF Biosecurity, which is the lead agency for managing risks to New Zealand’s biosecurity.

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