Tasman District Council
Case study for students: Meeting demand for drinking water.
Water source | Surface water and groundwater |
Ability to manage supply to meet demand | Effective |
Forecasting future demand | Forecasting is relatively detailed and likely to be accurate (for example, it includes analysis of factors influencing demand). |
The existing supply is insufficient to meet projected demand. | |
Planning to meet future demand | Planning is satisfactory and improving, and commitment to implementation is at an early stage. |
Supply strategies include investing in new or upgraded infrastructure (although significant upgrades are still needed), looking for new water sources and leak- and pressure-control programmes. The council is investing in dams as an additional supply source. | |
Demand strategies included universal water metering and charging in all urban supplies (90 percent of users), education and water restrictions when necessary. The council is developing other conservation measures, for example, a policy on low-flow and restricted supply connections. | |
Quality of drinking water | Ungraded in 2010. |
Compliance with 2007 standards requires upgraded infrastructure (new filtration and disinfection). |
Water-quality grades: A = completely satisfactory, B = satisfactory, C = marginally satisfactory, D = unsatisfactory, E = unacceptable