Strengthening government procurement: Lessons from our recent work

28 May 2024: This report brings together the findings of our multi-year work programme looking at how well the public sector manages procurement and highlights the areas where we consider most improvement is needed.
John Ryan

“It is important that those involved in procurement understand the principles of good procurement and are confident applying them in new situations and in times of pressure. It is also important that leaders support them to do this and accept that not all innovation will be successful. If done with integrity, alongside applying good procurement principles, procurement will be consistent with the public's expectations on how public money should be spent.”

Procurement lessons summary

Read our short summary of why we did this work, what we found, and what needs to happen next.

What's in this report

We discuss the key elements of good procurement and note examples from our multi-year work programme on procurement


We discuss the findings from our work about each of these three stages.

